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For Members 會友專頁

Church Reopening Announcement

  • In-person & Online worship time:

    1. Cantonese service: Sunday 10:00 AM

    2. English service: Sunday 11:30 AM

  • Online worship via zoom and livestreaming will continue after in-person worship until further notice.

  • We highly encourage returning worshippers to be vaccinated. 

  • Having studied our sanctuary seating plan and, taking into consideration the current CDC guidelines, we have decided to set the sanctuary capacity to be about 100 individuals and family units.

  • If we anticipate the attendance to exceed that number, we will set up a classroom on the 4th floor (with the smart TV) and, if need be, the YMCA gym as our overflow areas.

  • Mask wearing at church is highly recommend, but not required.

  • For safety reasons, please do not linger in the vestibule before and after worship services, you may greet people on the sidewalk.

  • For communion, the deacons will wear gloves while serving prepackaged communion elements.

  • In-between service cleaning will be carried out

  • Staying back at church and the use of church facilities, including the kitchen, will be allowed as long as the groups reserve spaces from the Church Administrator

  • For links to our worship services and other meetings via Zoom, email Recordings of worship is posted here.


  • 實體及網上崇拜於下列時間恢復在教會舉行:

  1. 粵語崇拜:主日上午10:00

  2. 英語崇拜:主日上午 11:30

  • 繼續透過各種直播方式進行網上崇拜及成年級主日學,直至另行通知。

  • 我們鼓勵參加者接種疫苗,保持社交距離,以致安全地聚會。

  • 我們十分鼓勵在教會佩戴口罩, 雖不強制。

  • 在聖餐時,執事派發獨立包裝的餅和杯時會戴上手套。

  • 兩堂崇拜之間將進行清潔,聚會前後不要在前廳逗留,請使用教會門外空曠地方互相問安,多謝合作。

  • 團契或小組事前向教會文書預訂地方,可留在教會使用包括廚房在內的教會設施

各種網上直播方式仍然繼續使用。主日崇拜及其他聚會鏈接請電郵office@fcbc-sf.org或致電/短信415-857-3226查詢。 崇拜記錄請參閱講道重溫

Directory: 通訊錄

Instant Church Directory Mobile App

You can view the church directory from your iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini or Android device by downloading the free Instant Church Directory Members App and create a secure login with your valid email listed in the directory. Please search for “Instant Church Directory” in the Apple App Store, Google Play. The directory is downloaded to your device and continues to work offline when the internet is not accessible. For members who don't have a mobile device, log in to the Online Members' Directory website. Now you can submit updates to your information.

歡迎在智能電話中使用免費的教會通訊錄應用程序,請搜尋Instant Church Directory下載安裝,並使用教會通訊錄中列出的有效電子郵件創建安全登錄。通訊錄將下載到您的設備,並在無法連網時可離線閱讀。沒有移動設備的會友亦可登錄在線教會通訊錄網站。現在您可以在網上或手機上更新您的照片和資料

Update contact 更新資料

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