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First Chinese Baptist Church of San Francisco

2024 Church Theme
Newness of Life


Our Mission 使命宣言

The First Chinese Baptist Church, San Francisco is a multigenerational, bilingual, bicultural church. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to be a people so transformed by God's gracious love in Jesus Christ that we joyfully commit ourselves in worship, witness, discipleship, and ministry.

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Events & Updates 報告

CHANGE in FCBC Mask Wearing Policy: Following federal, state and city guidelines, we have now decided that mask wearing at church will be highly recommend, but not required. However, masking will still be the practice in Nursery and Pre-K areas, and adults in the area will still be limited to teachers and parents.  For safety reasons, please do not linger in the vestibule before and after worship services.  Greeting one another may be carried out on the sidewalk.

For links to our worship services and other meetings via Zoom, email Recordings of worship is posted here. More info here.

我們十分鼓勵在教會佩戴口罩, 雖不強制。聚會前後不要在前廳逗留,請使用教會門外空曠地方互相問安,多謝合作。如有查詢,請聯絡執事同工。

主日崇拜及其他聚會鏈接請電郵 info@fcbc-sf.org或致電/短信415-857-3226查詢。 崇拜記錄請參閱講道重溫。更多資訊請點擊參閱

Sunday Worship 主日崇拜

10:00 粵語崇拜 週刊 | 直播

11:30 English Worship  Bulletin | YouTube


In-Person & Online Worship

10/6 Membership Meeting

10/13 Fellowship Chair Luncheon

10/20 Pledge Sunday Joint Worship 10:00

10/25-27 CS Retreat

10/6 會友大會

10/13 團契主席午餐會

10/20 認獻主日十點中英文聯合崇拜

10/25-27 中文退修會

10/27 十一點半聯合崇拜

1-12 grade Sunday School classes
@FCBC 10-12:30

1-12 年級主日學早上十時至12:30

Newsletter 新聞通訊

Contact the office or fill out the form below if you would like to receive the church newsletter via mail or email.

Click the Monthly Google Calendar for up to date events and links.


Contact FCBC

​​ 聯絡我們

15 Waverly Pl, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

(415) 857-3226

Thanks for submitting! We will get back to you soon.

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